“It Takes A Village…”

kids sitting inparkA wise politician once said, “It takes a village to raise a child.”

It starts with expanding youth opportunities around our schools, developing before and after-school activities and tutoring programs. We need to better fund summer job programs for teenagers. When the city of Chicago provided jobs to teens, crime dropped and kids learned valuable life skills at their first job.

Sherman School sits vacant in the middle of our ward. While the building is no longer used as a school, it can still be a community center where we can partner with Not-For-Profit organizations to run after-school programs for neighborhood children. Kevin will work with the St. Louis Public Schools District to make this building, which belongs to all of us, an asset to this community.
Changing our city means we all have to support community programs.

St. Louis can be that village, and Kevin McKinney will work to take us there.

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  • Written by Team McKinney